PrimesTime 02/18
Review of the PRIMES Workshop on laser beam diagnostics 11.-12.09.2018

Once again, Laser beam monitoring in the industrial environment was the main topic at the 8th PRIMES workshop. An international group of participants informed themselves at Schenck Technologiepark Darmstadt about current topics in beam diagnostics and discussed applications in a pleasant atmosphere.
Amongst other topics most of the high-profile lectures were dedicated to beam measurement in additive manufacturing, tool and process monitoring in laser material processing and innovations in laser beam diagnostics. The diverse user reports from the laser industry once again attracted particular interest.
For many visitors the highlight of the two-day event was the "PRIMES Open House" in Pfungstadt. The practical demonstrations shown in the laboratories were well attended and in addition to the opportunity to visit the factory, the sunny afternoon was often used for networking within the laser community.
Trifocal Analysis - Only one of the possibilities

The development of multi spot laser systems for welding and soldering have a strong impact on the market of laser material processing. The analysis of trifocal laser systems is just one example for the high applicability and flexibility of the new PRIMES LaserDiagnosticsSoftware.
The FocusMonitor FM+ with its large measurement window of up to 12 x 12 mm2 in combination with the new LaserDiagnosticsSoftware, enables the measurement of the intensity distribution of multi spot configurations.
Parameters such as beam position and spot radius are calculated for every single measured plane. Furthermore the homogeneity of the main beam is analyzed according to DIN 13694. The software provides information like focus position or laser beam propagation for every beam separately according to DIN 11146, as well.
The knowledge of the relative location of the spots to each other, allows a correction of the laser head position for an optimal feed direction.