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64319 Pfungstadt


RMA / Rücksendenummer online beantragen!

Wednesday, 16.09.2020

09:00        Registration

09:20        Welcome

Additive Manufacturing and its Measuring Tools
TimeSpeakers and topics
09:30Title TBA
Christian Dicken, Concept Laser
10:00Quality assurance in Additve Manufacturing
Dr. Kai Schimanski, Premium AEROTEC
10:30Characterization of scanner based laser

Stephan Holesch, PRIMES
Beam Distribution and the Impact on Processing Results
TimeSpeakers and topics
11:30Cutting performance improvements due to variable
beam profile

Michael Duka, SPI Lasers
12:00Advantages of adjustable ring mode fiber lasers
Michael Jess, Coherent
12:30Variable beam profiles – measuring and impact
on cutting and welding applications

Klaus Hänsel, Hyperbel Laser Technology
13:00Lunch break
Get together, discuss and try out in our Open Labs
14:00 to
- Characterization of SLM machine
- Online monitoring of the beam
- Focus diagnostics at highest power densities
- Automated acceptance test in laser production
- Software tools to optimize beam diagnostics
- Beam monitoring in real production environment
- Fast detection of the focus shift
19:00     Networking Dinner, Restaurant Althaus / Hotel Absolute, Gernsheim

Thursday, 17.09.2020

08:30        Registration

Beam Monitoring in Automated Production
TimeSpeakers and topics
09:00Tool monitoring in laser material processing
09:30Turbine repair
10:00Measuring the focus position in real time – fast
and easy

Dr. Johannes Roßnagel, PRIMES
11:00Online focus monitoring
Ruben Hartwig, PRIMES and industrial partner
Laser Material Processing and Beam Charaterization at different Wavelengths
TimeSpeakers and topics
11:45High-power, green-wavelength disk lasers for copper welding applications
Dr. Sebastian Zaske, TRUMPF Laser
12:15Measuring laser power at different wavelengths
Dr. Volker Brandl, PRIMES
13:00Lunch break
Get together, discuss and try out in our Open Labs
14:00 to
- Characterization of SLM machine
- Online monitoring of the beam
- Focus diagnostics at highest power densities
- Automated acceptance test in laser production
- Software tools to optimize beam diagnostics
- Beam monitoring in real production environment
- Fast detection of the focus shift

Agenda as of June 18, 2020, subject to change.

Changes to the agenda or in the course of the workshop are possible at any time due to Covid-19.